On Saturday November 30th, the Union of Campus Journalists, University of Ibadan(UCJUI) will host its maiden edition of the Global Campus Journalism Summit (GCJS) and the union’s 36th Induction Ceremony.
The summit, titled “The Future of Journalism in Nigeria: Press Censorship, Digital Misinformation, and the Missing Perspectives,” will examine major issues confronting journalism and provide solutions to bridge the division between academic and mainstream journalism.
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Renowned industry professionals are slated to lead workshops during the summit, with the goal of providing participants with new skills, exposing them to lesser-known areas of journalism, and strengthening networks among school journalism organizations in Nigeria and abroad. Campus Journalists’ associations and Unions throughout Universities in Nigeria are expected to attend the summit.
The UCJUI induction event, an annual tradition, will usher in new members into the union and the theme of the Induction ceremony is entitled ‘The Campus Journalist’s Creed: Ethics, Accountability, and Impact.’
UCJUI, established in 1987, is one of Nigeria’s most significant campus journalism unions, more than 70 press organizations at the University of Ibadan. The union has constantly advocated for ethical journalism, accountability, and good change within the college community.
The event will also mark the debut of CAMPULSE ’24, a sessional magazine featuring works by college journalists. The event will take place at the KAAF Auditorium, Human Nutrition Department, University of Ibadan, beginning at 8 A.M.