Inioluwa Israel Aderounmu, popularly known as Marshal Humor, is a 300-level Physics student at Obafemi Awolowo University who is making waves with a thriving career as a skit maker, actor, and videographer. He hails from Ago-Amodu, Saki East LG, Oyo State.
This interview reveals how he balances his content-creating career with his academic activities. He also shares his journey, from his initial inspirations from fellow creators to his commitment to producing content that entertains while upholding moral standards. He discusses the challenges of building a platform, the power of collaboration, and his aspirations for the future of his career. He also emphasizes the importance of teamwork, meticulous scheduling, and dedication to his career:
As a content creator, a skit maker, an actor and also a student, how do you stay motivated to create content even while facing academic pressures?
Marshal Humor: Well, I would say it is something I enjoy doing. So, no matter how tight my schedule is, I would always make time to shoot my content. It has not been easy, but it has always seemed easy with the right team. God has always been helping.
Ohh. A Team, Great! How did your team come together? What made you decide to form a team?
Marshal Humor: When there’s a team, a good one, the work is easier. I decided to form a team because it helps me reach people quickly when I have a video shoot. In this content world, you must be creative. There are different perspectives to a particular idea. Even before I shoot, I discuss the content with my team and hear their opinion about the content. With that, I would know if the content was initially nice enough or if I would rather have to add or remove some things.
What are the benefits of working as a team compared to creating content as a solo?
Marshal Humor: The benefit had more yield or let me say more reach. There is so much power in collaboration, it is so important.
Working as a team in content creation would help the video to have more reach or views in the sense that it would not be only my audience that would see the video; the audience of my team members would also see the video. Assuming the video is targeted at a particular person or audience, it could be one of my team members ‘ audiences that would help the video reach that targeted person or audience.
Teamwork yields more results. How do you coordinate schedules for team meetings, filming, editing and so on, considering that everyone is a Student?
Marshal Humor: Most times, I schedule shoots and filming for weekends so that if not all, at least most of the team members are around. I inform them beforehand so that they can plan their schedule. Time is precious and must be valued. For now, I still edit my videos myself. So I can do that at my own pace and convenience.
Those are great Leadership values. What are the biggest challenges of being a skit maker and a student?
Marshal Humor: Okay. First, I would say that from people’s perspective of skitmakers, they think skitmakers do not have any issue in terms of finances. At the early stage of skit making, there is not much money, but most people do not see that side. Also, time management could be demanding.
How did you handle and manage those challenges?
Marshal Humor: Well, I would just tell them that it is not what they think. Most people are like all these social media platforms that are already paying me for my content, and I would reply that, ‘they are not paying me yet, I am still trying to build my platform’.
Then, for time management, we just have to work around it. I remember there was this particular movie shoot that I had in December 2024. I had to postpone that shoot 3 times because I was not available even on a weekend; it was on the fourth weekend that the shoot was later held.
Hold up!! Do you shoot (produce) movies, too? Short clips or what’s the duration?
Marshal Humor: Yes, that was the first. A colleague of mine, Tomiz Media, had me on the project with her. So I was the Executive producer, director and editor. 8minutes 20seconds. For now, short movies, though.
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I’m discovering new sides to you. How was it? What was the outcome like? Walk us through.
Marshal Humor: It was so encouraging because we gave it a bit of publicity by using graphics with the movie name on our WhatsApp status, and people were so excited and interested in it. A lot of people reached out to help trend the fliers for the movie publicity on their WhatsApp status and other platforms. When the movie was finally released, the engagement was massive, especially on YouTube, which was the main target because I am just carrying my audience to YouTube. Because, that is where I would be posting subsequent short movies that the team would be working on before we have access to bigger streaming platforms like Netflix, Prime video naija and so on.
This is Awesome. So your Audience should look forward to more short movies on your YouTube platforms?
Marshal Humor: Yes
What is the Movie Title?
Marshal Humor: Ajokekanni
Ok! Why Content Creation/Skitmaking? How did you decide that content creation is what you are interested in?
Marshal Humor: I was able to decide that when I discovered that it was something I enjoyed doing and derived joy from. I had a good phone, which even made it much easier to kickstart. Finally, I started on January 30, 2023.
What inspired you to choose and start Content Creation?
Marshal Humor: The quest for a good life inspired me to start. My favorite skit maker then, Shankcomics, also inspired me to start.
Hmmm, The Quest for Good Life? Please Elaborate.
Marshal Humor: To establish myself and build my platform to a point where I start getting paid by streaming platforms, advertisements, and ambassadorial and endorsement deals. From there, things would then be much easier by the grace of God.
Ohh, alright then. Everyone is on a quest for a good Life.
Marshal Humor: Actually
You said Shankscomics was your favourite skit-maker. What do you like about him that inspired you?
Marshal Humor: Shank is so versatile, and from the way I see it, Shank enjoys his craft.
Alright. Do your academics ever inspire or influence your content?
Marshal Humor: Yes, oo. Many times.
In what way? Walk us through.
Marshal Humor: There are times that I get some inspiration based on things I see in class, either between a lecturer and students or between a student and another student. Sometimes, I might just randomly see some students I do not know, and I would just pick out content from what they are doing or discussing. Also, in my personal academic life, I get inspiration a lot. I could be reading, and then an idea drops.
Okay, I remember when I was in 100 level, during my CHM102 exam. Some content dropped on my head when I was in the exam hall, based on what I was going through. Immediately after the exam or the following day, I went to shoot the content, then I posted it. Turned out that it was so relatable to other students too, which helped the video to go far.
I guess the majority of your content was academically inspired.
Marshal Humor: I would say like 60% sha
What were the other contents based on? Are there specific topics or themes you would love to explore in your content?
Marshal Humor: Other contents were based on many other concepts like movie re-enactments and musical contents. Some contents were for some particular trends at the moment
Love that you are versatile. Are there other topics or themes you would love to explore in your future content? What would those topics be?
Marshal Humor: Yes, Diversification into different cultures.
Please give more clarification on that.
Marshal Humor: Contents on dressing, food, languages and so on.
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Awesome. Looking forward to them. What is your favourite skit/content that you’ve created?
Marshal Humor: Thank you. A lot. Sometimes, I enter my page and laugh like it’s another person’s content.
Awnnn. You love all your contents, that’s great!
Marshal Humor: Thank you so much
Do you see content creation as a potential career path after graduation?
Marshal Humor: Yes
How are you preparing towards it? Are you not seeing Physics as a potential career path?
Physics is a very good course, I must say. Science rules the world, you know. But I don’t see myself chasing a career in Physics anytime soon, so let us just get the certificate for now.
What I am still doing now, as regards my content creation, is building my platform first. It could be painful when content that ought to reach a very large audience turns out not to reach half of the targeted audience all because the platform has not been built well yet. So basically, what I am doing now is just building my platforms and publicising myself the little way I can. At least people should know that there is one small boy out there trying to do something.
“Let us get the certificate first”. It’s good to see that even though you don’t see Physics as a potential career path. Are you striving to graduate in Flying colours? I guess you’ve started content creation since your part one days, right? How do you measure the success of your content?
Exactly. I have promised them first class at home. Yes, I started in the second semester in part one on January 30, 2023. Well, should I say measure? I would just say God has helped me so much and brought me this far. It is not where I was when I started that I am now. In every aspect, there has been growth, and it has become so obvious even to people who knew me when I started.

I hope you attain that and make them proud. Quick digression: does your family know you are into Content creation and you are viewing it as a potential career path?
Marshal Humor: Amen.
Yes, they have known since the beginning. They watch my content too.
A Supportive Family I Stan. What message or impact do you want your content to have?
Marshal Humor: Entertainment while morals are still being upheld.
“Entertainment while Moral is still being upheld”. Looking at Content creation lately, A lot of content creators believe in moral decadence for more views. What is your take on this?
Marshal Humor: I disagree with this belief of other content creators. It should not be such. Contents could still be very funny, entertaining and educational whilst not bringing down the moral standards.
It is a pity about the kind of society we find ourselves in today. Most people do not want to see a video that does not show a lady revealing her body. But that is a lie; people who would watch content without a lady revealing her body would still watch it. Good content will always be good content.
Great to see a content creator who is still upholding good Morals. Let’s discuss your audience.
Who is your target audience?
Marshal Humor: Anyone could watch my contents. However, I would say my target audience is adult men and women. This has been kept in check from my insights on some of my platforms.
Why are they adult men and women?
Marshal Humor: Okay. This content world is like a space to do social experiments. You drop a particular content, and the turnout is low. Then you drop another content, and the receptiveness is so high. You for sure know which content to dish out more.
I would say adults would relate more to my content than young folks in primary school or secondary school.
What has been their response to your content?
Marshal Humor: Positive. I have been getting so many messages lately, even from people I do not know, telling me they enjoy my content and all.
This is beautiful and encouraging at the same time. I guess their responses always serve as motivation to you. However, does this mean you have never gotten negative responses? And if you have, how do you handle them?
Marshal Humor: Yes, it does. I’ve gotten oo
I love negative responses, too. However, it could be in two ways: some people give negative comments just for the fun or cruise of it, while others give negative comments cause they mean it. Comments like this would help me improve my future content. The way I handle them. I see them and just leave it there. Sometimes, I would even go ahead and pin some to my comments section, even though I am pained.
Is there a way negative comments have affected your content or you?
Marshal Humor: At all. Some of those people cannot say those things to my face. Online ni won wa.
Love that. Keep it up
Have you met any of your fans physically? Can you share your most memorable interactions with your fans?
Marshal Humor: Thank you.
Yes, many times. It is always a nice moment, even though most times I do not get to recognize them. But I just flow along with the person, appreciate them for watching my content, for the support, then I ask for their name and collect their number, so I can stay connected with them.
Which Content Creator on Campus do you look up to?
Marshal Humor: None.
Really? That was unexpected. Why is that?
Marshal Humor: I just do my thing and get reviews from random people by engaging them in random discussions.
I do respect other content creators on campus. It is a thing that when I wanted to start this journey, I reached out to most if not all of the content creators on campus and some entertainers that were ahead of me then, the so called “OAU celebs”. Collaboration is something I greatly believe in, which was what made me connect with as many people as I could.
Have you collaborated with some content creators on Campus?
Marshal Humor: Yes
Can you mention a few of them? How was the collaboration? What were the benefits and challenges?
Marshal Humor: Mike Jay, Jotter of OAU, Vcrowneex, MKO Desire, Keenarh, Wise Cracker, and so many more.
Collaboration is always an opportunity for me to learn from other creators.
There are so many benefits, one is that it helps the content to go farther, as it would not be only my audience that would be viewing it, their audience too would be viewing it.
The challenge I can point out is availability sometimes. You know everyone has their affairs too and all. But we just try to make out time for one another’s shoot.
Are there other content creators you are looking forward to collaborating with in the future?
Marshal Humor: Yes, so many.
Can you mention a few?
Marshal Humor: Sure, but it is not just content creators alone now. One Ozain, Timi Agbaje, Broda Shaggi, Brain Jotter, Gilmore and many more. Also, actors and movie directors

A Big Aim this is!! I pray you achieve them. Looking forward to it.
Marshal Humor: Amen. Thank you.
What are your thoughts on the future of Content creation?
Marshal Humor: The future of content creation is a very bright one, I would say. God factor, consistency and creativity is what matters in this content world
With these three, you are good to go
Have you learnt any valuable skills through content creation that you can apply to other areas of your life?
Marshal Humor: Yes, Networking
What platforms are you active on? Which do you focus on and why?
Marshal Humor: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, X, Snapchat and YouTube
I focus on all of them now because I feel I should carry it all together.
My handle is the same thing for all 6 platforms: Marshalhumor.
Isn’t it hard to keep up with being active in all of that? Or do you have a social media manager?
Marshal Humor: Though it is not easy, especially when I am trying to post on some platforms and it is taking so much time to post. I manage everything by myself.
Capacity Man!! What is advice for students or anyone looking forward to being a content creator?
Marshal Humor: Lol
They should involve God and be sure if they want to do it and not because everyone is doing it. They must be creative and consistent. Then, collaboration is so important. They should never make the mistake of deleting a video, maybe because it did not trend or the video did not get as much engagement as it ought to.
Rounding up with this, Why the Name ‘Marshal Humour’?
Marshal Humor: Marshal Humor came from two separate stuffs actually: Marshal and Humor
I started bearing Marshal since I was in SS1 when I started to have a passion for the military. Field ‘Marshal’ is the highest rank in the army, so I wrote that on my books and all. My classmates started calling me ‘Marshal’, even some of my teachers.
When I started skitmaking, the name I was using initially was Marshal_1023. I later changed it in part 2 because some people reached out to me, and I also felt that the _1023 did not make sense. I needed to get something else to put with the name. Since Humor is synonymous with comedy, I decided to call it Marshal Humor.
Behold the Birth of Marshal Humour
Marshal Humor: “Humor”, I decided to use American spelling for the name.
Ohh! “Humor”, not “humour.” Any reason for this?
Marshal Humor: I felt it would help people to get the spellings easily.
Thank you for your time, Marshal Humor!!