In recent times, there has been a sporadic increase in the availability of Artificial Intelligence. AI has since been incorporated in every field. Education is no exception. AI in education enables the integration of technologies into the teaching and learning experience and as such brought about changes in the system.
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The use of AI in education has the ability to transform the knowledge of things. AI-driven tools and technologies, like personalized algorithms and virtual reality, are revolutionizing the educational experience for students. AI has the capability to personalize learning by analyzing student data to create customized lesson plans and assessments based on individual strengths and weaknesses. Most of these advancements would have been unimaginable a few decades ago.
Overtime, students have seen AI tools as the best platforms to get their assignments and projects done. Although this appears to be a development, it poses quite a number of threats.
Overdependence on AI leads to the inability of Students to apply knowledge gained in the real world. Actually learning is not carried out and on the long run, issues of application arise. Students also lose critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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AI is prone to perpetuate biases and unfairness. The quality of the data utilized for training determines how effective AI algorithms are. Regrettably, biases in the data, like gender or racial discrimination, can unknowingly be perpetuated by AI systems in educational contexts.
Generative AI can make noticeable mistakes in its results. It may misunderstand a prompt, provide inaccurate or outdated information, or fall short in terms of expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.
Another disadvantage of overdependence on AI is plagiarism. Plagiarism, an act of taking someone else’s work and ideas as one’s own is considered as theft. Students who are guilty of plagiarism often end up getting poor grades in assignments or failing the assignments out rightly. This in turn leads to the questioning of integrity.
The use of Artificial Intelligence in assignments and projects can yield positive results if students get to use it in the proper ways. AI tools should be used as tools to brainstorm ideas, research aspects to focus on, proofread, paraphrase and generate feedbacks instead of using them to completely do assignments.